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How can Gig Workers be Nurtured and Sustained in 2022-23?



An industry that is evolving every day must create an environment that is conducive for everyone involved and has no pitfalls. Thus, it falls upon the corporate world to nurture the best talent and put practices in place to sustain it, too. So, how can they be assured to trust the organizations?

Value your gig workers

Where kind words are a great way to fuel the non-financial needs of the workforce, offering the right value to their contribution is paramount. And of course, timely payouts, too. Most companies do not believe in offering perks or incentives to their part-time workers. However, offering perks like flexible working hours or timely increment are beneficial not just for the company but also make it soar for the gig workers to shift to the rival brand.

Convey Expectations

For a successful project with a gig worker, convey down the expectations by charting out the metrics for such success. Define the deliverable clearly each time, any interim reviews, and of course, a realistic timeline. Gig workers are known to excel with every project, thereby successfully delivering the projects and sticking to the employer for long for the sense of clarity and understanding offered.


Checking on your gig workers with project insights and feedback is a great way to instill confidence in the contractual workforce. Keep the communication channels two-way in case they need you back. The best way to nurture them!

Build Equity

Building equity with the gig worker would be a great step in nurturing and sustaining the talent. Its high time to amend labor laws to rightly include white-collar gig workers. Being fair to them and appreciating them for a task performed well would motivate them to perform better and stay loyal to the organization.

The gig economy is a rare job market scenario where the workforce is the king and companies race against each other to lap up the best talent. Assuming other factors are constant, the one that offers high pay to the gig worker wins the race. But dynamics change for the second time. A higher rate no more remains the deciding point for the gig worker for the repeat contract. The ultimate winning company is the one that keeps nurturing its gig workers offering multitudes of perks and recognitions.


Flexi Hiring Consultant

About the Author

At Vitesse, we’ve built a strong hiring model that holds together a strong network of clients, consultants and recruiters.

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Gig economy: The rise of the new collar among India's working class - Forbes

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